Mrs. Spata’s Fourth Grade Blog

A window into our classroom!

Monday we will have our Module #3 Mid-Module Assessment.

We have been reviewing in class, you have a review packet with practice test and answer key at home, and we worked on a second practice test today. The test will cover material from lessons 1-13.

I also posted two video tutorials to help. Look on the Module #3 page of this blog. (All videos are colored bright pink.)

Have a great weekend!! Be sure to have some fun!! :O)


There is a math workshop today at 7:00 PM for parents of 4th and 5th grader students. It will take place in the cafeteria.

 It is being facilitated by a district math coach. I will be in attendance but will not be presenting.

All are welcome to attend.

:O) Serena Spata



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Be sure to use the resources on the Module #3 page of this blog to help support your child’s understanding of Module #3!


Quiz on Tuesday!


Be sure to use the practice test and answer key that were sent home two weeks ago.


The answer keys for the pink Practice pages are straight from Class notes are uploaded for most lessons.


Click the blue links to view our class notes.


Click the pink links to view tutorial videos that I created for our class.

🙂 Mrs. Spata




demetria melting pot

Thank you to Demetria for sharing  your beautiful Melting Pot poster with the class this week!


Now that we have entered our third month together…it is time for the next step of your fourth-grade responsibilities.


Beginning this week, the final draft of your paragraph of the week should now be written in cursive. This is a final draft and should be written correctly with all letters formed the right way. Please use the “letter formation sheet” that was sent home in September to help you when writing your final draft.

Spelling tests will now be taken in cursive and in print. This is only for an interim period of time. While practicing the spelling patterns for this week’s words, also practice the correct formation of the letters in the words. You will receive two separate grades. A spelling score using the print version of the words and a cursive score for your handwriting. For now, incorrect cursive formation will not hurt your spelling grade. However, in January, all words will be written in cursive only and incorrect formation will result in incorrect spellings for the words.

 If you have misplaced the paper from earlier in the year, below is a link to a site where you can see and print out worksheets for the correct formation of the letters of the alphabet.


Share a Halloween experience that you had yesterday!!


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