Mrs. Spata’s Fourth Grade Blog

A window into our classroom!

on November 1, 2013

Share a Halloween experience that you had yesterday!!

17 Responses to “”

  1. Saher says:

    I had fun trick or treating! When I went to one of the houses, they gave me a bag of Doritos. Also, I got my two favorite candies which are Star burst sand Laffy Taffy. Halloween is an awesome holiday:)

  2. christian says:

    yesterday was very fun. I got a jumbo size Twix. I chugged 3 cups of apple juice. I had the best Halloween ever!

  3. Saher says:

    I had fun trick or treating! When I went to one of the houses, they gave me a bag of Doritos. Also, I got my two favorite candies which are Star burst sand Laffy Taffy. Halloween is an awesome holiday to celebrate:)

  4. nick says:

    yesterday on Halloween i went to a scary house in my neighborhood. it was a house and this guy was a phantom like me and then when you turn around by him he grabs you. and then my friends brother goes by him and we say no because he was holding a torch with fire. and he didn’t get scared. that is what scared me on halloween

  5. Nichas C says:

    I had fun during Halloween. One of the houses looked like a real haunted house. I was really scared to go I n so I did not go in. I was a blue man.

  6. Peyton says:

    This Halloween was so fun! I went with my friend Lauren and her friend Grace and my brother went with his friends. I went down their block and got tons of candy. We had so much fun and joked around by spraying each other with silly string, and we were laughing so much! We also did a mummy wrap at my brother’s friend’s house and Lauren and Grace came too. We had so much fun and can’t wait until next year to trick or treat!!!

  7. collin says:

    my Halloween was the best! i got 5 pounds of candy with all my cusons conbind .my Halloween was the best.

  8. kenny says:

    I got lots of candy[2 bags]. I went with 2 of my freinds. my nice pumpkin bowl stolen.

  9. Caity :) says:

    This Halloween was Awsome!!!!! On my block there was a haunted house! There was even a Boogie Man!!!!! Also after Trick-or-Treating, I went to my freind’s house and we had a little party! We had Cupcakes, Cake , and Pizza! I can’t wait till’ next year! I wish it can happen again 🙁 But it will 🙂

  10. sspata says:

    It is so important to read over what you are writing BEFORE you post your comment!! Be careful of what you are posting!! I am no longer going to edit your posts. You are more than able to use capitals and punctuation correctly! 🙂

  11. Nicholas says:

    I had fun during Halloween. One of the houses looked like a real haunted house. I was really scared to go in so I did not go in. I was a blue man.

  12. Olivia says:

    This Halloween I went trick-or-treating and then I scared 4 teenagers. Me, my friend Julia, and my sister hid in bushes and behind the decorations in Julia’s front yard. Then when the teenagers were coming up the driveway me and my sister screamed at the top of our lungs. They got so scared they jumped. Then they went to get the candy out of the bowl by the bushes and then Julia screamed at the top of her lung and they jumped again. It was so much fun!

  13. jean says:

    i love to trick or treat i went to my dads friend invite me to trick or treat be careful say treat or treat it was fun i got like a whole bag of candy i guess i got 42 candy i went to house to house then i have a party it was fun then i sleep this is how i spent my Halloween time

  14. Jeffrey says:

    On Halloween I had a weird trick or treater. He came to my door and when I told him he could have a few he took more than a hand full of candy. Then for no reason the kid walked into my house! I don’t even know the kid.

  15. Aaron says:

    Mrs. Spata yesteday I had a great Halloween. I got a lot of Halloween candy. Also I got really tired after trick or treating. I went with Nick, Matt, and Derek. also thank you for not giving me homework on my favorite scary holiday. Thank you for picking me in your class and have the rest of the year be amazing.

  16. Sean says:

    This Halloween I saw a guy in a super creepy costume! So the story is me, my cousins Chrissy, Brianna, Catie, Little John, and Little Stevie (Steven). My brother and my other cousins were back at my house. So we were trick-or-treating on Peyton’s block and this guy in a creepy costume popped out from behind a car! His mouth on the costume was around a foot long. My Halloween was the best!

  17. Kara says:

    The night before Halloween I got BOOED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you never been BOOED before I’s like ding-dong ditch, but they leave a bag with candy and a piece of paper that says you have been BOOED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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