Mrs. Spata’s Fourth Grade Blog

A window into our classroom!

Hurricane Sandy

on November 2, 2012


I really hope that you and your families are safe after Hurricane Sandy took its toll on Long Island!!

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you!!

See you soon. Stay warm and be safe!!!


I cant help but find a teachable moment in the above image…remember what we learned in science about weather patterns? It was very interesting to watch the storm develop.

5 Responses to “Hurricane Sandy”

  1. sspata says:

    We are so thankful to have gotten our power back tonight! It was getting very cold!

    I hope that you are all safe and warm!!

  2. Nick says:

    Hi Mrs Spata,

    My family lost power for 4 days. How many days did you lose power for? A big oak tree fell in my yard and missed my shed and my neibors house! I know there is some kids in our class that still do not have power. Hopefully they get power soon.

    From, Nick

  3. sspata says:

    Hi Nick! We lost power for 6 days!!! A huge tree missed hitting my boat by 3 feet! Also a large tree right next to my bedroom window fell away from the house luckily!!! Glad that you are safe! 🙂

  4. Courtney says:

    Hello Mrs.Spata,
    I hope you lucked out well with Hurricane Sandy. We lost power for 2 hours but that was it. Then we wake up the next morning and the cable internet and the phone does not work. That was like that for 3 days. It was really boring. But I should not say anything because I did not loose power like other people did. A lot of trees fell down in our development because we have woods and tall trees. There was a tall oak tree next to out house that look 1,000 feet tall. it luckily did not fall. But we had some very tall trees fall. I hope you and your family are safe and healthy. The new background for the blog is very nice and it looks really good and it fall so it goes with us. i will see you on Wednesday!!!!!!!!

  5. Cami says:

    Hi Mrs.Spata I hope you were safe during the terrable hurricane Sandy. For two nights I had to sleep over my aunt and uncle’s house because I lost power and there was no heat in my house and they had power. But when I got home yesterday we saw in the windows there was light! I hope you get power back soon and nothing too bad happened to your family and you! Have a super day.


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