Mrs. Spata’s Fourth Grade Blog

A window into our classroom!

Bjorn the Polar Bear

on April 20, 2009


Happy Earth Day!!!


We CAN and MUST make a difference!!


Click the picture above to view a song and video about polar bears.


13 Responses to “Bjorn the Polar Bear”

  1. Sarina says:

    Dear Mrs.Spata,
    When I came to the blog I saw that there was this polar bear. I clicked on it and I saw such cute pictures. But there were no videoes or songs. What happened?

  2. sspata says:

    Sorry about that.

    I forgot to tell you to click the same picture on that page too.


  3. Sarina says:

    Its ok because I was the first one to check it so its no problem. But anyway thanks for telling me. That video is very sad. I hope that our earth does not get that polluted and I also hope that everyone can help the enviorment. Thanks! Bye!!!!!!!

  4. Zachary Giglio says:

    I really liked this video…. I think it is so sad to think of what is happening to the Polar Bears and their habitat…..

  5. brittany says:

    In the video it is so sad and i was tearing up.I was about to cry.It is sad what is happing to the polar bears.

  6. Adonis says:

    Hi Mrs.Spata, The polar bear video is pretty cool. Sorry for being absent so long. I’ve been absent because my feaver is pretty high its around 100.8

    Happy earth day!

  7. sspata says:

    I hope that you feel better soon Adonis.

    Don’t worry about missing the science test. You can make it up when you come back to school.

    :O)Mrs. Spata

  8. sspata says:

    I agree Brittany. I have watched it a ton of times and I still get teary eyed every time I see it!!

    :O) Mrs. Spata

  9. jessica says:

    I love the polar bear video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I watch it every single day. It’s very sad. WE NEED TO SAVE OUR PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. anjali says:

    Dear Mrs.Spata,
    The polar bear video didn’t work at my house but at least I got to see at our claassroom.

  11. anjali says:

    Now it worked.

  12. anjali says:

    The video is soooo sad. I hate when animals become endangered just because of the climate change. I would hate for polar bears to become extinct. Some people just don’t care about the earth. I started crying once I saw the video. Everbody should start saving the earth.

  13. Jackie A. says:

    Hi Ms.Spata,
    I think that the video is really sad. I was about to cry! Why is the planet warming up anyway? So anyway,I know that I’ve been out for a long time…….sorry about that. I have a stomach virous and my stomach is bothering me, then I’m fine.Hopefully, I’ll be in soon. I’ve been wanting to come to school…… being sick is sooooooooooo boring. Tell the class I said hi.

    your student,
    Jackie A.

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