Mrs. Spata’s Fourth Grade Blog

A window into our classroom!

Planet Hopping: Exploring the Solar System with Mathematics

on March 27, 2009

On Monday we will be taking a virtual field trip to speak with a NASA scientist. Here is the summary that we were given for the program.


How high can you jump on Mars? Which planet has the most moons? Find out the answers to these questions and many more as you tour the solar system with NASA. In this highly interactive session students will use mathematics to explore and learn characteristics of the planets in our solar system.

(We will be back to Tackan before our lunch period so you don’t have to worry about packing a bag lunch.)


Below is a link that you can check out for some additional information. Have fun!! 


27 Responses to “Planet Hopping: Exploring the Solar System with Mathematics”

  1. anjali says:

    I can’t wait for the feild trip on Monday. I can’t believe that we are going to talk with a real scientist from NASA!

  2. SARA says:

    Hi i’m so excited

  3. Pam Cranford says:

    I look forward to reading what you learn on your virtual field trip. We would love to have you visit our blog and leave a comment.

    We too are working to build connections all over the world. Your blog is informative and we will visit again. Please consider linking us to your Connections Blogroll. Thanks so much.

  4. jessica says:

    My favorite part of the feild trip is when we first met the scientist. She was very nice and fun to talk to. It was fun when she gave us clues about the planets, and we had to guess them.I guessed Saturn right and I had alot of too. I can’t wait to go on our next feild trip.

  5. Jackie A. says:

    Dear Ms. Spata,

    My favorite part of going to high school east to talk to the scientist was actually talking to her and answering the questions she asked us. I had sooooooo much fun there.

  6. anjali says:

    My favorite part of the feild trip was when we found out how high Anthony could jump using a meter stick. I also liked when we figured out how high you could jump if you were on other planets. We learned a lot of facts about the planets. I wish we could go there again. I couldn’t believe that we spoke with a NASA scientist.

  7. Emma says:

    It was very isiting to talk to a perfeshinal scientist from nasa. I liked it all but my favorite part was when we were put in groups of three and each got a meter stick and a job. One person would hold the meter stick straight another person would croch on the ground to see how high the last person jumped and the last person would jump. We did this so that we can figure out if we would jump higher or less in the other planets.

  8. sara says:

    Hi, My favorite part was sitting in the cool descks and seeing my babysiter. Plus seeing myself on the smartboard. Seeing a nasa scientist was a blast.=]

  9. nick says:


    My favorite part of the feild trip was when we learned about saturn. I liked it because saturn is my favorite planet. Saturn is my favorite planet because I love the beautiful rings and how they change color.

  10. brittany says:

    My favorite part was when we got to learn how high you can jump on each planet.She was fun to talk to.She is really nice also.

  11. Nikki says:

    Guess what I went to go see a N.A.S.A scientest on a giant computer. We learned about how high we could jump on all of the other planets. We took how high we could jump on Earth and multipled the number then divided it. I wish we could go again because it was so much fun!!

  12. sarina says:

    Hi! I loved the virtual field trip to High school East and actually talking to a nasa scientists. my favorite part was when we got to sit in the cool desks and got a sheet of paper with all of the planets including pluto. We got to get a meter stick and then you had to jump and the kid that was jumping got 45 centimeters. We multiplied 45 by other numbers the scientist said and then the teacher put a video cam and we got to see ourselfs on the smartboard. It was really cool!

  13. Christian says:

    I once went on a little field trip to a high school to learn about the planets and the solar system. We went into a smart board room, and we talked to a lady that worked in NASA on the smart board, and she’s the person who told us about space, and mostly gravidy in space. She was the first person in NASA that I heard talk. Too bad I didn’t get to see her in real life. It was pretty fun to learn about space, and it was pretty fun to meat someone who works in NASA too.

  14. Aiman says:

    My favorite part was when we saw how high we can jump each planet.We figure that out by taking a meter stick and jump and then recorded it and then we multplied it with 9,8 and 5 and then we divided it by 2.That was my favorite part because it was intersting to me.I was suprised because on some of the planets you would jump lower and some planets you would jump higher.

  15. Matthew says:

    I don’t know what my favorite part is because I was absent.


  16. Zachary G says:

    My favorite part was when we learned how high we can jump on each planet. I also learned that rust on a bike feels like the dirt on Mars.

  17. James says:

    My favorite part was when we did the planet jumping page. We learned desmails in the process of doing the page. It wasn’t all about scince, we also did math to caultet how much you would jump on each planet.

  18. Adonis says:

    My favorite part was when we saw how many earths can fit in Jupiter. It would take more than 5 earths to fill up the red storm of Jupiter!

  19. Anthony D says:

    When I and my classmates went to the Nasa program for learning how high you can jump on the planets was when we realy got to talk to someone from N.A.S.A i mean realy how many people get to talk to N.A.S.A. It was propoly one of the best moments of this year in forth grade.

  20. Olivia says:

    I was so excited that we were going to NASA! My favorite part was when they showed how high you could jump on each planet. I learned something too. That there is gravity in space! We did a experiment where there was a observer ,a recorder, and a launcher. I was a observer. The worst part about the trip was that we kept on disconnecting. Otherwise it was a fun feild trip.

  21. Taylor says:

    I thought that the feild trip was realy fun. My favorite part was seeing the real scientist on the smart board. Even though she couldn’t see her self she could see us. We learned about the plants and the gravtie. We also had to had to answer some of the questions she had. We also learned about desmeals. I had so much fun on the feild trip. I hope that we could go their again.

  22. Kyle says:

    Hi I am Kyle. My class went on a field trip. One of my favorite parts was when my whole class saw ther selves on the smart bord.My secound favorite part was when the high school kids changed classes we would see them.I had so much fun on our field trip.

    P.S. Who every is reading this tell your teacher to do this.
    By Kyle

  23. Peter says:

    Hi! On March 30, 2009 my class went on a virtual field trip to Smithtown High School East. My favorite part of the field trip was when the lady from NASA told us the fun facts about the different planets. I know a lot about planets and even I learned a lot from the facts. I had a lot of fun and at the same time, I learned a lot.

  24. Becky says:

    When we went to High School East to talk to a Nasa sciencetist I hade two favorite parts. My first favorite part was when I got to talk and see the Nasa sciencetist. My other favorite part was when we got to know the height of jumping on the planets.

  25. jacklyn says:

    Yesterday I went on a feild trip with my class to High School East. We got to talk to a real scientest from NASA. It was AWESOME! My favorite part was when we learned about all the planets. Did you know that th big red spot on Jupiter was as big as about five earths, and that mars has water on it’s surface, just like earth? It makes me wonder if there is life on mars. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this message, and I hope that I get to talk to another NASA scientest next year!

  26. AnthonyB says:

    My favorite part was when our she showed us real pichers of all all the planets. Realy The hole day was my favorite part.

  27. samantha says:

    I think the hole fild trip was fun!The part I liked most is when we learnd about decimals.The reson my faviort part was the decimals was because it’s new[I LOVE new things!!!!!] and it’s not even fourth grade level!!!!!!!!:0

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