Mrs. Spata’s Fourth Grade Blog

A window into our classroom!

Publicist Report

on November 10, 2011


 On Monday, Lexi our classmate had shared her melting pot with the class. She is sharing her melting pot until it is someone else turn share their melting pot. In our class we are learning about Native Americans. We have heard some of their legends and we are making legends of our own. The groups got pick what they want to do. We got split up in to groups to work on our legends. Working in groups gives us chance to learn how to work together. One legend a group is doing is why Panda bears have black and white spots. It is our second day on the legends since we were of yesterday. No one has gone on to writing the legend. Today we might start writing the legend. Everyone is having fun doing the legends. This our first time we have got to do a fun project while learning about   social studies or anything.


Tomorrow is 11/ 11/ 11. Us fourth graders will never see this again!!! Christian T. is sharing his book called “The BFG” for his book talk. Lexi shared her melting pot with us. It was also a delicious one too! She gave us something like crackers with Nutella or penutbutter. Today were doing math games, The Spata Store, and The Spata Bank. We also have computer lab. We did two periods for our legends. Some groups had trouble working with soft whisper voices. If we weren’t quiet for the first time you can’t work on your group’s legend for 5 minutes. Then if your group wasn’t quiet for a second time your group can’t on your legend for the rest of the period!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂           

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