Mrs. Spata’s Fourth Grade Blog

A window into our classroom!

Week in Review April 14-17

on April 20, 2009

Monday-No school!

Tuesday-We did Writers Workshop.Then we had Morning Meeting.We did science labs. We broke into 2 groups.We also had Writers Workshop while Mrs.Spata pulled the 2 groups.Then we had Lunch and Recces.Then we did Social Studies.We learned about the 3rd event leading to the Revlutionary War.In Social Studies we also learned about the Commite of Correspondece.We also learned about 3 viewpoints.They are Issac Wilkins,Samuel Seabury and John Jay.John Jay was a Patriot.Samuel Seabury was a Loyalist.Issac Wilkins was in the middle he was both Loyalist and Patriot.We had to chose what we would be a Patriot or a Loyalist, and write why we would be that person,and write a strong 4th grade paragrah.We did Science.We reviewed simple machine.Such as gear,screw,wheel and axle,inclined plane,pulley,and lever.Then we packed up and went to art.

Wednesday-We did our agenda.Then we did math.In math we did division.We did Social Studies.We learned about the Boston Massacre.which is the 4th event leading to the Revlutionary War.we had snack while we listened to read aloud. We did Writers Workshop.

Thursday-We did our agenda.we had Morning Meeting.We then had a Book Talk.We did Social Studies.Then we did Science.In Science we learned a little about heat energy,nuclear energy,mechanical energy,chemical energy,and electromagnetic energy.We did a project for science.We had snack.Then we had Readers Workshop.Then we had lunch and recces.Then we went to the computer lab.Then we went to physical education.Then we did math.Then we packed up.

Friday– We did our agenda.Then we did morning meeting.Then we did science.In science we watched a video about energy. While the video we took a short quiz.Then we took another short quiz.We did Writers Workshop and Science Labs.

 By: Aiman

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