Mrs. Spata’s Fourth Grade Blog

A window into our classroom!

Geometry test

I sent home a reprint of the reteach pages for lessons 9-4A Adding and Subtracting Angle Measures and 9-5A Understanding Angles and Unit Measures. Tomorrow we will learn the new lesson 14-7A Solving Perimeter and Area Problems.

These are new Common Core lessons that can not be found online or in the textbook. When these types of new lessons are taught, I will always send home the reteach pages (usually back-to-back with the homework practice page) to help support you all at home.

:O) Mrs. Spata


New Concept…Old Facts

Now that your child is in fourth grade…they are being introduced to a new idea!


The true definition of a rectangle is a quadrilateral that has four right angles. (The length of the sides does not matter. )

The definition of a square is a quadrilateral with four equal sides and four right angles.

Therefore… a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square!

:O) Mrs. Spata

PS I have told my students not to confuse their younger brothers and sisters with this information until they are fourth graders too. 🙂

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Thank you very much for all the yummy treats today!

We enjoyed some special time with our Kindergarten Book Buddies today. We also took a little time to make a special Valentine for our Moms!!

 Enjoy your evenings!! See you tomorrow!

:O) Mrs. Spata

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Girls Choice Dance has been canceled…

This just in…

The Girls Choice Dance has been canceled for tomorrow night due to the impending snow storm and nasty weather.  It has been rescheduled for April 5th.

Boys’ Choice Event on April 5th ………………so the GIRLS choice dance will be April 12th.


Colonial Tax Day


Our class will be having a “Tax Day” tomorrow.

This will be another opportunity to bring what we are learning in our Social Studies unit to life for the students.

I will be King George and the class will be the British Colonists. Half of them will be Loyalists and half will be Patriots. They will experience first hand the frustrations that they colonist were feeling with all the unfair “Taxation Without Representation”.

:O) Mrs. Spata


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Real-Life Connections :)

Today, in class, we watched the Disney movie Johnny Tremain. It is a perfect movie to bring what we are learning about in Social Studies to life for the students. The “Road to the Revolution” can be a very difficult thing for children to truly understand and relate to. The movie begins after the Intolerable Acts…which is what we learned about earlier this week. It continues all the way to the beginning of the American Revolution at Lexington and Concord.


Be sure to ask your child about what they saw. We will be talking in great detail about the movie as we continue our journey down the “Road to the Revolution”.

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February Tests

Just in case you have not noticed…

the study guides are up on the Study Guides page for both our Variables and Expressions math unit and our Road to the Revolution unit.

Let your children teach you at home what they are learning! It empowers them, teaches you, and helps them study without even realizing it! These are great units to have interesting discussions about while eating dinner. 🙂

The math quiz will be on Monday. This unit was mostly a review of concepts taught earlier in the year. The only difference is that multiplication and division were added to the addition and subtraction lessons previously learned.

Although the social studies test may seem far away, it is a very comprehensive unit that we are learning about. The big idea being- Why did we decide to declare our independence from Britain? It is so very important to study throughout this unit in order to build on each stop on the road to the revolution. I review every day in class before moving on, but without review at home your children will not be putting the concepts into their long term memory for the test at the end of the month.


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