Mrs. Spata’s Fourth Grade Blog

A window into our classroom!

Publicist Report

on May 2, 2012

On April 30th on the seventh   period, my class and Mrs .Joyce’s class skipped out side to the back playground. We played for about 15 minutes. We earned it for working hard the past few weeks on our state tests. A lot of us played tag. But sadly we had to go inside because the buses started to be called. Everyone was sweaty when they skipped inside. We all had fun! That was a fun afternoon!

Yesterday on May 1st we had Tax Day. We had to pay three fake pieces of gold   for going to the bathroom. We also had to pay for going to lunch, we paid five fake pieces of gold, we paid three pieces of gold for getting our snack, for getting out our seats, for calling out loud you had to pay ten fake pieces of gold. We paid for using the computer, for throwing out garbage,  for asking a question to the teacher we had to pay two pieces of  gold. Someone almost went to jail because if you run out gold, you go to jail because you are not able to pay your taxes. Mrs. Spata was   King  George the 111. First she was nice like herself. Then she turned into the mean and grumpy King George the111. I missed Mrs. Spata but king George 111 turned her into a loyalist. We had Tax Day just to feel how the colonists felt about their king. Most of the patriots declared our own freedom but King George the 111 wouldn’t give us freedom. Anyways we all enjoyed Tax Day. Even though we had to pay for a lot of stuff. It felt like we were real colonists. Everything we were going to do, we had to pay. We had to write a letter to King George the 111 about what we felt and if all the tax we had to pay was fair for all the colonists. We wrote the letter to king George the 111. All of the Loyalists and the Patriots had fun on May  1st 2012!

                                                 From your   publicists  Cesar and Skylar D

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