Looking forward to meeting the parents of my new students! See you soon!
Tuesday, March 28th- ELA Day #1
Wednesday, March 29th- ELA Day #2
Thursday, March 30th- ELA Day #3
Get plenty of rest the night before.
Eat a healthy and filling breakfast that morning.
Bring at least two sharpened #2 pencils with you to school.
***If you plan to Opt your child out of the assessments this year,
we require a signed note to be sent in to the school. Students who refuse the test will need to bring a few books to school these days, so that they have something to read at a separate location from students taking the test. ***
:0) Serena Spata
Today we posed the problem that we will solve in our new Project Lead the Way unit, Energy and Collision.
Click here to see our first attempt: PLTW egg video
See the video below to see our second attempt: PLTW egg video 2
***Disclaimer- I am trying to get these videos posted and working. I am having technical difficulties. Sorry if you can’t view it. I will try again tomorrow. 😉
Today my students created math tutorials to help each other with the skills and strategies we are learning in class.
Be sure to check them out!!!
I am very proud of their hard work!!
Click here to visit my Kids Teaching Kids blog.
:0) Mrs. Spata
Let’s try this again and think of some interesting ways to be around the room. 🙂