Mrs. Spata’s Fourth Grade Blog

A window into our classroom!

Let’s enjoy some fun too…

Along with our continued hard work in class this week (Explorers test on Thursday and Math test on Frdiay), we will be enjoying some seasonal fun as well!

Monday: We will go to a music filled assembly sponsored by the PTA called “Squeaky Clean”. The students will enjoy several holiday songs that they will be able to sing along to and have fun with.

Wednesday: Our class will be having a small winter party in our classroom. Our class mother has purchased a seasonal craft for the students to put together and I will be bringing in some yummy hot chocolate to enjoy in the classroom!

Friday: We will meet our kindergarten book buddies for the first time this year! Together the students will decorate gingerbread cookies that Miss Ryan and myself will make for the kids. I am looking for families willing and able to send in candies to decorate these yummy treats. Please contact me if you are able to help send in supplies.

               Friday afternoon, we will also have a special 4th grade winter art project party! We will all be getting together to make a fun project and to again enjoy some hot chocolate and cookies. We will be using class money to purchase the hot chocolate, but I would love for a family or two to donate the cookies. Please contact me if you are able to help send in cookies.


Note to Parents

I just wanted to write a quick note to all of you to let you know that it was a true pleasure to sit and speak with each of you over the past few days!!

I can see that we are on the same page with wanting to help your child perform to their best abilities and to truly show what they are capable of when writing and taking tests. This has been a big transition into fourth grade and the increased expectations set forth by the state! They are doing a super job!

I am excited to see the growth of your children over the next few months!

A few things that we spoke about…

Please use and often at home to help your child continue to build their mathematics skills. (If you need your passwords again just let me know.)

Please remind your child that from this point on all writing should be reread with an eye toward “powerful details”, as well as interesting introductions and creative conclusions, before handing anything in.

Please use the study guides that are sent home (and posted on the study guide page of this blog) to review concepts taught in class often throughout our units of study. This will make a HUGE difference in their understanding and long-term memorization of the material. Have them teach you what we are learning in class! 🙂

Finally, please be sure that your child is reading at home as well as at school. There are countless studies that prove the more a child reads the better they perform in school! They are responsible to complete at least one chapter book per month while in fourth grade.

Thank you so much!!

:O) Serena Spata

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Half Days of School


There will be half days of school for Parent/Teacher

Conferences on: Friday, December 7th

Monday, December 10th

Tuesday, December 11th

Dismissal will be at 11:45 p.m and NO lunch will be served on these days.

There will be NO AFTERCARE provided. Please make sure your child knows their dismissal plans.

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