Mrs. Spata’s Fourth Grade Blog

A window into our classroom!

Turkey and Trimmings Food Drive

Our class is being asked to bring in large sizes of canned sweet potatos and marshmellows. The drive will take place this week. Any help is welcomed.

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Study Guide Update

After a few wonderful conversations with some of my students’ parents… I have decided to make an improvement to the study guide page of this blog.

I will put a notation next to the topics/vocabulary words as we cover them in class. This will help you to know what material has been covered in class and what parts of the study guide your child should begin to review in preparation for the unit assessment.

Topics are often covered a few times and in a variety of ways, but I will notate when we have completed a topic and your child should have all of the information that they need to know for the test.

I hope that this helps to keep the study guide useful to my students and their families in preparing for the assessments. Let me know your thoughts and suggestions. I am always willing to make changes that will benefit everyone!

:O) Mrs. Spata


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